Saturday, January 8, 2011


Pictures of the Apartment

The first five photos were taken by my roommate Rikk, the rest are mine.

   View from the terrace looking towards the entrance to the main apartment. 

 Side view of terrace
Entrance to our apartment.

Terrace view

Very first entrance to the apartment building (Marble? Sí)

 Another terrace view 

Kitchen/ part of living room 
 The Tiber River, about 5 min walk from apt.
 Piazza Novona
Piazza Novona 

Bernini (the artist) 

She lives at our school 
This is the door to our school, which I have not been inside yet, Via De Delfini (below) 

 Some alley way

 Left to right: Rita, Kara, Codie, Bonnie, Alissa
We thought we found the Spanish Steps. It wasn't until later that day when looking through some postcards we found out that it was not. I don't remember what this place is called. Below are photos of this area.

P.S. My knees hurt. 


Katrina said...

So if I can ask anything about you....hhhhmmmmmmm.....what is your favorite color?

Kateri Sisneros said...

Anything except that! That's a tough one!