Sunday, January 23, 2011

More pics of Rome and Codie's Birthday

This weekend I've spent most of the time in my apartment, mostly because it's been raining non stop. I can't wait for the sun to shine! Below are some photos of the past week. Bonnie, Alyssa and I went to Piazza di Popolo to attempt to draw the buildings around us. I didn't accomplish much, Roman architecture is too detailed. The photos of Tiber Island are about a ten minute walk from my apartment and Bonnie, Codie and I went to take pics Thursday morning as part of a homework assignment. After Tiber Island we went to class which was held at Musei di Capitolini (Capitoline Hill). Dr. Touchette took the class through the museum and lectured about Greek influence on Roman art/architecture. Inside the museum is one of the latest excavations in Rome; the Temple of Jupiter, which is supposed to be the same size or bigger than the Pantheon. Unfortunately, Dr. Touchette doesn't like us to take pictures during her class, but I did manage to sneek a few of a broken, but massive statue. After those photos are a few pics from Codie Shumann's birthday. I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but it was very good.    Enjoy the pics!
At Piazza di Popolo



From the balcony that overlooks Popolo

Graffitti, which is everywhere in Rome

A Church/hospital on Tiber Island

Tiber Island Bridge


View from Musei di Capitolini

Pieces of a statue at Musei di Capitolini

Codi, Rita & Bonnie at the other Codie's birthday dinner

Bonnie & Katie


Amanda and Me

Codie about to blow out the candles on her birthday cake!


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