Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Pics of Rome

Graffiti based on Jacques-Louis David's Death of Marat
This made me happy to see since I learned about it in Modern Art last semester!

A Bridge at the Tiber River

This was when I went to Tivoli at Villa D'Este

This was at Dr. Touchette and her husbands house when they invited the group to have lunch at their house.
There were over eight different cheeses that we ate. The big one with the knife in it is ricotta; Dr. Touchette explained that what American's think is ricotta is way different from what it really is and she is sooo right! We ate really massive chunks of it with bread and it tasted very creamy and light! So GOOD!!!!
This is the ricotta on bread with pomodori (tomatoes). Delicious.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

These pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing!