Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Day

I'm here in Rome and I'm very tired. So far it's just me and my roommates Codie and Joel in the apartment right now. The apartment is pretty nice. There are two separate areas; the first and the biggest is the main apartment where Joel, Rick and Nick will be staying. Inside it smells like my grandparents house in Abo, so it's a nice reminder of home. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room. Codie and I have a mini apartment (more like a dorm room) that we share above the main apartment, but we have to walk outside onto a terrace (big and beautiful), through the building and up the stairs and through another terrace (our very own private terrace) to get to our room. The room is small and we don't have heat yet, but we can take long hot showers. There's no internet in our bedroom so we have to use it in the main apartment. Dr. Touchette (the program director) wasn't kidding when she told me that Codie and I would have our own terrace. It's bigger than our room and the living room in my house at home. It's full of plants and laid with red brick. The weather is also very nice. It's cold and damp, but much warmer than NM is right now. I wore a thin jacket and a scarf earlier and I was warm.  Codie, Joel and I just got back from a little restaurant where we ate Gnocchi something Formaggio and it was AMAZING! We had a hard time ordering, but the waiter was patient with us.  I don't have pictures yet, but I will post them as soon as I have the energy to.

That's it for now! ¡Arrivederci!


Unknown said...

That's awesome glad to see got there safe n so there will be room for me to sleep out on the terrace when go to visit it seems like ha ha!

Kateri Sisneros said...

There's totally room to sleep on the terrace. And this is only the one terrace. My roommate and I have our own private terrace which I don't have photo's of yet. AAAnd it's bigger than this one! I'll take pictures of it tomorrow!