Monday, January 31, 2011

Bracciano and Ceramics class

This weekend I went to Bracciano, which is about an hour outside of Rome by train. It was a beautiful day and it was one of the first days all week that the sun made an appearance! Bracciano is small medeivalesque (not a word, I know) town. There was a massive castle that overlooked a lake that seemed more like an ocean. There were eight of us;  five of them were students that I just met from a different school. They were all American but they all knew Italian and they practiced their Italian with each other so it was nice to be able to catch on to what they were saying. I feel like I'm already getting better at understanding Italian. Speaking Italian is a different story! I'm just glad that I know how to order food and cappuccinos now! "Vorrei un cappucino e cornetto, per favore! Píu píu! Grazie!"


This is a group of kids who seemed to follow each other like wolf pack.  Every single one of them looked like they had something devious on their mind! Italian kids are funny to watch!

Oh yeah, Bracciano is also where I found the best and cheapest gelato so far!

Today, Monday, was my first ceramics class ever! So far it's just me, Bonnie and Alyssa taking this class. We went to a place that is in the countryside of Rome called Anguillara where we had to take a train and from there our instructor, Paolo,  picked us up and took us to his studio which is also his house. My art history professor, who is Paolo's wife, was there and she made us tea and cake! We worked for about four hours. I made a bowl and a strange abstract tree-like sculpture. I will take photos when they are finished. It was definitely the coolest thing I've done in a long time!

This coming Friday I will be going to Florence and Venice. It is a school trip so I will be going to a few museums and I will also be doing an oral presentation on "The Madonna with the Long Neck" by Parmigianino before the painting itself! I just hope that I can get through a 20 minute presentation without having a nervous breakdown. I hate public speaking! Although, I do love the painting! Here is a picture of what I will be presenting....

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