Saturday, January 15, 2011


Last night was the student/faculty dinner. Here are some pics of our food...very interesting.....

One of the appetizers. Sour. Delicious. 
Close up 1

Close up 2

Second Appetizer. The cheese was good. 

Third appetizer. Verdure alla griglia 

Kara. I'm behind the bottle. 

Katie posing with the wine, haha! Wine with our teachers, lot's of wine with our teachers...weird, but fun!

One of the first course meals; rigatoni

Another first course meal; The black is squid ink. Squid and pear ravioli. It looks scary, but it was the best dish of the night!!!! 

Fettucine al Funghi. Yummm!!! That's what I ordered

This is what the squid ravioli does to your mouth... This is Kara showing off her black tongue


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Squid mouths, Kara and Bonnie

Candid...Amanda, Katie, Codie H. 

Me and Kara

Codie, Me, Kara, Bonnie

Some kind of Fish. That's another meal that I ordered. It literally melted in my mouth!!!

Meat. I'm not gonna lie, I tried it and it was surprisingly very good! 

More meat. Not my fav. 

Dessert; Hazelnut gelato with pistachio tiramisu.......I wish I could eat this everyday!!!!!!!!!!!  Joel said it was too good for him to eat because the flavor is so overwhelming. haha! But I agree! That's how good it was!

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