Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post numero dos!

 Eleven more days and I will leave for Rome! Christmas is done and now I can really start to focus on getting the things I need for my trip. I just ordered some adapters last night for my electronics and they were very inexpensive so I hope they work. If they don't, then you should expect this to be last post as I will not have a charged computer to continue this blog thing I'm doing. I don't really expect anyone to read this (I probably wouldn't if I were anyone else), but if you do, thanks! I will keep it short and sweet and full of pictures! Since I don't have any pictures yet I will post some pictures of my family from Christmas because they are what I'll miss the most when I'm gone.....

Isa was sitting all by herself when there were plenty of other kids to play with

Mom and Dad with Israel

Fabian & Katrina
My sis Elaine and I 
I edited this one of my brother, classic

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