Monday, December 6, 2010

My First Post!

Welcome to my blog! Very soon I will be on my way to Rome...assuming I get my loan to pay off the rest of the program costs. I have my flight all paid for and I'm ready to leave January 5th! I plan to post photos and stories of my adventures in Italy so feel free to see what I'm up to! Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Good luck

Unknown said...

Good luck I am sorry for being a poor college student, but I will try to help :)

Unknown said...

sorry, i'm broke too

Jen Estema said...

Good Luck Kateri!! Take in every moment! I can't wait to start seeing your pics.

Phil Sisneros said...

Kateri, Hi Its ur cousin Phil gram gave me ur blogspot. First I'm happy to hear u got there safe. Were really looking trds all ur pics and blgs I will chk on them periodically. Me and Amy and baby Gianna are very proud of u. God Bless be safe we love u! Amy said Italians rock jus cuz she's 1 LOL.

Kateri Sisneros said...

@ Jen/Phil
@Amy, I would agree that Italians do rock! :)