Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The day after the Uffizi Museum I had a little more time to explore. A group of us went to the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral where there was a big dome. We paid eight euros to climb the duomo, which was over 400 steps and it was totally worth it to get to the top.....

On the way to Florence

Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore
Santa Maria del Fiore

On the way up to the duomo...haha!

The inner ceiling of the duomo. This was much more colorful in real life. 
From atop the inner duomo

View from the stairs up the duumo
From Duomo
Stairs of Duomo

The View of Florence from on top of the Duomo

The David statue on the left is an exact copy of Michelangelo's
David, but the real thing is much more impressive. Inside
this building is an art exhibition for a diamond skull, which is
the most expensive art piece that has EVER been made. 
Some statues in some Piazza

Medusa by Cellini

Italian Graffiti art

I don't know the meaning behind this, but it looks cool!

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