Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm sorry to those of you who actually look at my blog, its been a while, I know!
Anywho, here's what's happened....

My parents and my sister and her husband came to visit me for spring break. We went to Anzio, Italy (somewhere near the beach). We stayed in a hotel that looked like an abandoned Las Vegas hotel....but it was nice! The barman even offered to help me find a job in Italy so that I could learn Italian...haha! My Italian is better now!
In Anzio, Italy

Yummm, probably the best thing I have ever eaten!!!!!!

In Rome with my famiglia

Red pants are Italian....but so far I've seen mostly just Italian MEN wear red pants! haha!
When we went to the Vatican Museum!

FIRENZE with my parents

My mom's chicken

My dad's Carne Mista

My yummy swordfish steak!!!!
 Back in Rome at the Trevi Fountain